
Thursday, 6 March 2014

Puja or Worship

Now, the various steps involved in an actual “puja” or worship may be described.

Since external cleanliness and neatness are conducive to internal purity, the first thing to be done before starting “puja” is to clean the “puja-room” and the surrounding are thoroughly. Of course, it goes without saying, tha the worshipper should take the bath and wear washed and clean clothes for the “puja”. It may be a good custom even to keep two sets of clothes to be worn (by turns) only at the time of ritualistic worship.

After arranging all the vessels and materials needed for the “puja” properly, the worshipper should sit on the “puja-seat” (which shouled be used onlyfor the purposes of “puja”) in such a way that he is facing the deity or keeping the deity to his left.

Generally, facing east or north is preferred and facing south is forbidden.

The whole rite of “puja” – for that matter, any religious or ritualistic act – should begin with “achamana” or ceremonial sipping of water with certain mantras.

This should be followed by “sankalpa” or religious resolve. Apart from the details of that particular day according to the Hindu Calendar (followed in the tradition of the worshipper’s family), the “sankalpa-mantra” also contains some other statements such as the destruction of one’s sins, acquisition of religious merit and some other particulars connected with the mode of worship.

Then come some purificatory processes like “asanashuddhi” (ritual sanctification of the seat), “bhutapasarana” (driving away the evil spirits), “pushpashuddhi” (ritual cleansing of flowers, “bilva” and “tulasi” leaves) and “agniprakaracinta” (erecting a wall of fire through imagination) and so on.

The next steps ae pranayama (breath control in aid of peace and concentration as also “bhutashuddhi” or creating a spiritual body in place of the physical one.

“Pranapratishtha” (filling the spiritual body with the presence of the deity), “nyasas” (ritual purification of limbs) and “mudras” (postures of fingers and hands) follow next.

Now, are taken up the most important parts of the worship or puja – “dhyana” (meditation on the deity in one’s heart and transferring the same into the image or symbol) and “upacharas” (modes of direct service).

These “upcharas” can be 5 or 10 or 16. Sometimes they are raised to 64 or even 108! But, normally the first two are common for daily worship and 16 “upcharas” for special worship. The other two are done in temples on very special occasions.

These “upcharas” are ceremonially offered with appropriate mantras to the deity invoked into the image or symbol.

The ten “upcharas” are “padya” (water for washing the feet), “arghya (water for washing the hands), “achmaniya” (water for rinsing the mouth), “snaniya” (giving a bath by pouring water over the image or the symbol with Vedic mantras), “gandha” (applying fresh sandal paste), “pushpa” (offering of flowers), “dhupa” (waving with lighted incense sticks), “dipa” (waving of a lighted lamp), “naivedya” (giving food-offering as also drinking water) and “punarachmaniya” (giving water for rinsing the mouth at the end).

At the end of the worship, “pushpanjali” (offering a handful of flowers) is laid at the feet of the deity, indicating the conclusion of the whole ritual.

Where the “puja” is done to the deity in a temporarily invoked image (as in the worship) of clay icons of Lord Ganesha or Goddess Durga), “udvasana” or “visarjana” also has to be done. It is the ceremonial withdrawal of the deity from the image, back into one’s own heart, after which th image or the symbol (like a flower) can be disposed off.

The mode of worship described so far, is according to the “tantric” tradition. The Vedic Tradition of worship is slightly different from this. A brief account of the same is as follows:

“Dipajvalana” (lighting the lamp and praying to it as the symbol of the deity and requesting it to burn steadily till the “puja” is over), “achmana”, “guruvandana” (obeisance to one’s own “guru” or spiritual teacher), prayer to “Vighnesvara” or Lord Ganesha (for the removal of obstacles to the “puja”), “ghantanada” (ringing the bell with appropriate mantras to drive away the demons and welcome the Gods) (Ringing the bell is necessary at other times also as during ceremonial bath the deity and offering incense etc.), recitation of two Vedic mantras to steady the mind, “mantapadhyana” (meditation on the miniature shine structure, generally made of wood), “asanamantra” (for purification and steadiness of the seat), “pranayama” “sankalpa”, ceremonial purification of the water in the “kalasha” (water vessel) to make it fit for using in “puja”, filling up the “shankha” (conch) with that water and inviting its presiding deities (like Surya, Varuna, Chandra and others) to reside in it in a subtle form, sprinkling that water over all the articles of “puja” to consecrate them, “nyasa” with the “Purushasukta”, invoking the presence of the deity into the image and offering the “upcharas”.

The sixteen “upacharas” offered are: “avahana”, “asana”, “padya”, “arghya”, “achmaniya”, “snaniya”, “vastra’ (cloth) as also “upavita” (sacred thread, called “yajnopavita”), “gandha”, “pushpa”, “dhupa”, “dipa”, “naivedya”, “tambula” (betel leaf and nut), recetation of the “Mantrapushpa”, “pradaskshina” (circumambulation) and “namaskara” (obeisance).

Some more, traditional and interesting, aspects of this worship may now be stated.

In the “panchayatanapuja” (“puja” of five standard deities viz., Shiva, Devi, Vishnu, Ganesha and Surya”, one’s own family deity should be kept in the center and the other four around it in the prescribed order.

“Abhisheka” (pouring water for giving bath to the image) is to be done with “gosrnga” (horn of the cow) to the “sivalinga” and with “shakha” to “Vishnu” or “saligrama”.

While offering cloth in “puja”, different types of clothes are offered to different deities, which can be known from the concerned scriptural injunctions. In the routine daily “puja” even flowers can be offered in place of cloth, as a substitute.

“Dhupa” is offered to the feat and “dipa” before the face of the deity. In general “arati” (waving of lights), the “dipa” has to waved all over the deity’s image.

“Pradakshina” is to be done three times in the clockwise direction, slowly, with folded hands. Then comes “sashtangapranama”, done by lying down on the chest, on the floor.

At the end, “tirtha” (the consecrated water of the “puja”) and “prasada” (consecrated food offerings) should be received by all who have taken part in the “puja” or witnessed it.

Whrt has been described till now, just gives an idea of the philosophy and the spirit behind the Hindu ritualistic worship.

The Hindu scriptures themselves consider these rituals as the kindergarten of religion. When understood properly and performed meticulously, they lead to inner purity and concentration. When this concentration becomes deep, the external rituals drop off by themselves. Till then, they must be performed.

The Conception of Arcavatara

Some schools of devotion have put forward the theory that God descends (= “avatara”) into the image at the time of worship (= “acra”) in a subtle form when invited through appropriate mantras. It is something like putting on the switch to make the electric current flow through a lamp and give light.

By the same logic, when an image fixed in a temple, is consecrated as per prescribed procedure (in which “pranapratishtha” or infusing with life, is an important aspect), the deity “lives” in that image permanently, in a divine or subtle form.

Hence the worshipper has to be extraordinarily careful while performing the ritualistic worship to such consecrated images.

External and Internal Worship

Worship of Puja of the God can be either internal or external. Internal worship called “manasapuja” is actually meditation, which may be a simple process of contemplation on the form of the deity or may involve a regular ritualistic worship with all the ingredients, but all done mentally.

External worship is the worship of the deity in an image or a symbol with all th necessary articles needed for the worship as per the religious works.

When the external worship is performed properly in the right spirit, over a period of time, it may lead to greater and greater introversion. As a result, external, formal, worship may drop off by itself. Then, only internal worship or meditation can be continued.

Image Worship

Worship of images, both at home and in temples, as well as in public places of worship is widespread and popular in Hinduism. There is a mistaken notion that this is pure and simple idolatry. When in idolatry, the physical symbol itself is revered as God, in image worship; the reverence is to God in and through the image.

Preparation of images of deities, worship to the deities through them, either in one’s own personal or in family shrines or even in temples seems to be an ancient custom. Reference to images is found even in the Vedas. Worship of deities through images is explicitly referred to in the “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata”.

Often, the images are replaced by symbolical objects such as “sivalingas”, “saligramas”, and “yntras”, and worshipped.

Need of Icons IN Workship

A great majority of human beings are incapable of even conceiving – let alone contemplate upon – God as the Supreme Power or Intelligence without any particular name or form. This is because of the limitation imposed by the body-mind complex and the consequent identification with it. However, an icon – an image or a picture or even a symbol – can definitely help in this process of contemplation, even as a limited window in our room giving us a view of the unlimited sky as long we are sitting in it.

If the symbolic meaning and significance or the icon is understood properly, the icon itself will become an actualized form of the ideal. Then, viewing it will be almost as good as viewing the original it represents. It is akin to remembering a person when we look at his photograph.

We may also look at it in another way. An abacus is needed (and used) to teach certain fundamental concepts of arithmetic, to little children. Similarly an icon, especially the one installed in a temple, along with the associated ideas, can help us to conceive of contemplate of God.

Icons or concrete symbols have played a prominent part in all religions.

Necessity of Rituals

By the word “rituals”, certain religious observances and practices performed in a systematic way as per the directions given in the scriptures are meant. “Puja” (worship of God or deity), “sandhyaopasana” (meditation on God as the light of knowledge and wisdom at dawn and dusk), “homa” ( offering of oblations unto a deity in a duly consecrated fire), “upavasa” (ceremonial fasting) and “jagarana” (keeping vigil at night as a part of spiritual discipline) – all these are rituals.

The philosophical truths contained in the Vedas, Upanisads and other similar scriptural works are, very often, too recondite to comprehend. Apart from an incisive intellect, purity of mind resulting from a pure sinless life is necessary to understand them. Performance of rituals is one of the easier means to achieve this purity of mind. However they should be done meticulously with a proper knowledge of the spirit behind them.

Puja (Worship)

Devpuja or worship of God, in and through an image, either at home or in temples, is a common practice in the Hindu society. Through millions of Hindus all over our country and world visit temples, witness or participate in such puja ceremonies, not many are aware of the philosophy behind it (the 'why' and the 'how' of it), the need for puja and its effects on our mind.

Added to this ignorance, unsympathetic criticism from adverse quarters which brands it as idolatry, pure and simple, makes even our educated people to shy away from it.

The main purpose of this article is to expound in a simple language, the philosophy behind puja or ritualistic worship and its significance, in order to instill an intelligent fait in the hearts of our intelligent votaries.

Throughout the history of mankind, human beings have been seeking whether they know it or not – unalloyed happiness or bliss. Freedom from suffering and attainment or eternal peace and joy, have been the universally acclaimed goals of life.

From times immemorial, a firm belief in the existence of a Supernatural Being, omniscient and omnipotent, seems to have been ingrained in the very nature of man. By somehow establishing a contact with this Being, often called “God”, one can get whatever one wants in life. This is the conviction resulting from this belief.

Hinduism proclaims that this God is both “nirakara” and “nirguna” (without any particular form or attributes) as also “sakara” and “saguna” (capable of assuming any form and attributes at will). He can also manifest himself as a personality without any particular form, but with all the blessed qualities that one can imagine. Nothing prevents him, if need be, form assuming any form that a votary devotedly hankers for seeing or even incarnate here in the human form to set right the mess we create!

An illustration can make this point more clear. Water can exist in three states: ice, liquid water and water vapour or steam. Water vapour has no particular form whereas ice has. But liquid water can assume the shape of vessel into which it is poured. In all these three states, vastu or substance is one and the same, though “nama” (nomenclature) and “rupa” (form) are different. Similar is the case with God.

Though Hinduism concedes that the gaining of freedom from all suffering and attainment of eternal bliss, are possible by adopting any one of the four well-known “yogas” (paths of spiritual disciplines) – “Jnanayoga”, “Bhktiyoga”, “Rajayoga” and “Karamyoga” – “Bhaktiyoga” or the path of “bhakti” (devotion to God in his “sakara saguna” aspect) is, comparatively speaking, much easier in this age, characterized as it is, by an excessive attachment to the physical body and (consequently) to physical comforts.

Once this is acknowledged, the necessity for and the role of rituals in this path of “bhakti” can easily be recognized and appreciated.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Ketu Puja

To appease planet Ketu.

Ketu (Dragon's Tail) Puja is dedicated to planet Ketu. Ketu Puja is recommended for those, having malefic Ketu or wrongly placed Ketu as per the horoscope. Lord Ketu is supposed to have the head of a snake and the body of an asura (demon).

People afflicted by malefic Ketu are stricken with fears of robbery, bad habits, putra dosham, loss of property, and loss of face. Ketu is an indicator of intelligence, liberation, wisdom, non-attachment, spirituality, fantasy, penetrating insight, carrier of arms and weapons, invisibility and physic abilities. Knowledge, business, leprosy, poisonous bites are different aspects of this planet.

Benefits of Ketu Puja :
  • If Dragon's Tail (Ketu) is malefic in one horoscope chart then Ketu Puja is recommended to remove the malefic effects.
  • Ketu brings prosperity to the devotee's family, removes the effect of snakebite and illness arising out of poisonous matter entering one's body. Dragon's Tail grants good health, wealth and all round prosperity.

Rahu Puja

To appease planet Rahu.

Rahu or the Dragon's Head Puja is dedicated to planet Rahu. Rahu Puja is recommended for those, having malefic Rahu or wrongly placed Rahu as per the horoscope. Rahu is described by scriptures as half-bodied, born of a lioness, snakelike, having a huge body and being extraordinarily powerful.

Benefits of Rahu Puja :
  • Rahu Puja is performed to appease the planet Rahu. Rahu Puja is very useful & beneficial, since it strengthens and increases the positive influence and neutralizes the negative effects of Rahu. Rahu Puja is recommended for those having malefic Rahu or wrongly placed Rahu as per horoscope.
  • Rahu Puja bless the native with knowledge, deep understanding, and respect.

Venus (Shukra) Puja

To appease planet Venus and for success in love, media publicity, attrition power, relationship life...

Shukra (Venus) Puja is done to appease planet Venus. Shukra Pooja is recommended to those, having malefic shukra or wrongly placed Venus as per the horoscope. Shukra is considered as a beneficial planet. Venus God is believed to be charming with a splendid physique, excellent in nature, phlegmatic and windy.

Venus is an indicator of spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion and sex. Shukra blesses the people with power to control their sense organs (Indriyas) and enables to obtain name and fame. Adversities of Venus can cause eye diseases, venereal complaints, indigestion, pimples, impotency, loss of appetite and rashes on the skin.

Benefits of Venus (Shukra) Puja :
  • Shukra Puja is beneficial for Success in love, media publicity, attrition power, relationship life, confidence.
  • If Venus is malefic in one's horoscope, Shukra Puja is recommend to remove the malefic effects or adversities caused by Venus.
  • Shukra Puja is performed when Venus is ill-placed in one's birth chart. Shukra bestows long life, wealth, happiness, children, and property and good education.

Jupiter (Brihaspati) Puja

To appease planet Jupiter and for progeny, good education, valor, longevity of life...

Guru or Brihaspati Puja is dedicated to planet Jupiter. Worship of Jupiter is recommended to those, having malefic guru or wrongly placed Jupiter as per the horoscope. In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is known as Guru, Brihaspati and Devagura. Jupiter is a benefice planet and considered to be the most auspicious, helpful, generous and beneficent of the planets. Guru represents sacred scripture, wisdom, benevolence and philosophy.

Jupiter is a good indicator of fortune, wealth, fame, luck, devotion, spirituality, morality, meditation, children, magistrates, ministers, lawyers and leaders in government and religion. Adversities of Guru or Brihaspati can cause frail nerves, skin problems, arthritis, heart troubles, impurity of the blood and increase of sexual urges, worrying and uneasiness of mind. Jupiter is the planet of luck, favor and fortune.

Benefits of Jupiter (Brihaspati) Puja :
  • Worship of Jupiter results in progeny, good education, valour, longevity of life and recovery from physical illness.
  • Brihaspati Puja is perform to appease planet JUPITER. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is very auspicious planet and is resembled to the native's wisdom, mind power, knowledge, religion, fortune, happiness, welfare, joy, devotion, spirituality, generosity, charity, gentleness, liberality, statesmanship, minister ship, fame, wealth power, respect, reputation, honour, dignity and the status.
  • The worship of Jupiter grants pure, aesthetic life and good health & wealth.

Mercury (Budh) Puja

To appease planet Mercury and for speech, salesmenship, good thinking....

Mercury is known as Budha in Vedic astrology. Budha is known as 'Grahapati', or lord of the planets. Budha is considered wisest among the planets. The planet Mercury or Budha rules nerves, air, cells, tongue, breath and the nervous system.

Adversities of Mercury can cause problems like nasal disorders, impediments in speech, stammering, bronchitis, asthma, brain fever, delirium, breathing difficulties, paralysis, and nervous disorders. Budha represents speech, communication and commerce on all levels. In the other function, Budha manages material resources.

Benefits of Mercury (Budh) Puja :
  • Budh Puja is recommended to reduce the tribulations caused due to malefic position of MERCURY in the horoscope.
  • Worship of Mercury is recommended to those who are weak at studies, find lack of concentration and suffer from blood pressure and sugar problem etc.
  • Budh Puja is to appease the planet Mercury. Budh Puja is very useful & beneficial puja, since it's worship strengthens benefic Mervury & increases its positive influence and pacifies malefic effects of the planet & neutralizes its negative effect.
  • MERCURY is the planet, which directly affects the trade business. So it is always recommend performing Budh puja especially to the businessmen in the field of ARGUMENTATIVE BUSINESS, DEMOCRATIC DEALING, ASTROLOGY, WRITING SKILLS, EDITING, PUBLISHING, ACTING, SCULPTURE BUSINESS, SPORTSMEN, ENGINEERING, ACCOUNTANCY, ART, POSTAL SERVICES and INSURANCE etc.

Mars (Mangal) Puja

To appease planet Mars and for power, strength and glory.

Mangal Puja or Mars Worship is dedicated to planet Mars. Mangal Pooja liberates one from debts, poverty and skin problems. In Vedic Astrology, Mars is also known as Mangal, Angaraka, and Kuja.

Astrologically Mars is seen as a cruel planet. A person under the effect of this planet has a tendency to suffer through accidents, robbery, attack, or imprisonment. This planet is usually detrimental and is often worshipped so that one can become free of its detrimental effects. Mangal Puja is performed to appease the planet Mars. Mangal Puja is very useful & beneficial, since it strengthens and increases the positive influence and neutralizes the negative effects of Mangal.

Mangal is an indicator of brother and siblings, assertion, aggressiveness, soldiers and military endeavors, mechanical ability, engineers and surgeons, commanders and rulers, accidents, violence and war, ambition, strength, arguments and conflict, passion and desire. Mars is also acknowledged as the protector of dharma, the sacred path and purpose in life that each of us follows.

Benefits of Mars (Mangal) Puja :
  • Performing Mangal pooja can reduce the troubles and hurdles caused due to malefic position of MARS.
  • Its malefic position may result in the cruelness and anger to the native. An astrologer recommends Mars Puja to minimize the tribulations of the malefic MARS in the horoscope.
  • Mangal Puja is Beneficial for security, Mangalik, Mangal dosha, stress, marriage problems.

Moon (Chandra) Puja

To appease planet Moon and for Concentration, peace...

Chandra Puja is dedicated to Lord Chandra, the Moon God. Chandra Puja (Moon Worship) is recommended to those, having malefic Chandra or wrongly placed Moon as per the horoscope. Moon gives a calm and soothing affect to our life.

The Moon is considered to be a softer planet in astrological parlance. It has the second place in the NavGrahas. In astrology, the Moon represents mind, emotions, satisfaction, smell, fluids and silver among other things. The crucial importance of Moon Planet lies in the fact that it controls five senses of human life. Moon is the ruler of mind and all the senses are controlled by the mind.

Benefits of Moon (Chandra) Puja :
  • Chandra Puja is use to appease planet Moon. If Moon is malefic in one's horoscope chart then Chandra Puja is recommended to remove the malefic effects.
  • Due to malefic Moon, problems like mental retardation, skin and nerve problems, jaundice, fluid accumulation are observed. The above problems can be overcome by praying to worshipping Lord Chandra.
  • For concentration, mental peace, pleasing personality, control of emotions and to get rid of mental depression one should worship the Moon God.

Sun (Surya) Puja

To appease planet Sun and for power, strength and glory.

Surya Puja or Sun Worship is dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun planet). It is recommended to those, having malefic Surya or wrongly placed Sun as per the horoscope. Sun planet is known for his Power, strength and glory.

Surya puja is to appease planet SUN and the SUN is the supreme power of the SOLAR SYSTEM. In astrology as well, SUN is always on top in every manner. According to "Shrimadbhagvat", SUN is situated in the center of the Universe between Heaven and the Earth. One should always perform Surya Puja in case SUN is powerless or depleted in the Horoscope.

Benefits of Sun (Surya) Puja :
  • Surya Puja is a divine boon for those who face problems, hurdles and misfortune in their lives.
  • Worship of Sun is beneficial when people get stuck, no matter how hard working, honest and intelligent they are good luck seems to ignore them.
  • People who aspire for sound health, prosperity, good eyesight, strength and courage, success, cure of chronic diseases like leprosy, heart ailment, nervous weakness, asthma etc. should worship the Sun.

Sri Saraswati Puja

For gaining knowledge, learning and wisdom.

Goddess Saraswati is the wife (consort) of Lord Brahma and possesses the powers of speech, wisdom and learning. She has four hands representing four aspects of human personality in learning; mind, intellect, alertness and ego. Saraswati Devi is controller of education, intelligence and speech. In case a man stammers his stammering will be controlled by this Puja. By performing this Puja one will be blessed with success in the examinations, will have concentration in education, will not forget but retain and remember whatever he or she reads.

Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, puja of Maa Saraswati shall be conducted by every student whether in school, college of preparing for exams. If you are sitting in any competitive exam, then you must conduct this puja for Maa Saraswati Blessings.

Benefits of Sri Saraswati Puja :
  • This Puja helps is gaining knowledge and mastery in studies, to sharpen the intellect and improve memory.
  • In case a person stammers his stammering will be controlled by this Puja.

Ayusha Puja

For long life and removal of all obstacles from life.

The word Ayusha means Age and Ayusha Puja is performed by for long life and removal of all obstacles from life. Ayusha Puja is done to worship the God of Life (Ayur Devatha ). By doing this Puja, one gets long life blessings from Ayur Devatha. Once a year this Puja is recommended for healthy living and long life.

If a child is constantly ill, this Puja could be performed on a monthly basis till the child attains good health. But in general practice, this is performed once a year on the day of the star in which the child is born. It is started on the day the child completes one year of age. In case one is unable to perform it on this day, it should be done on the consecutive month. It may be done even on a monthly basis.

Benefits of Ayusha Puja :
  • This Puja is performed by for long life and removal of all obstacles from life.
  • Once a year this Puja is recommended for healthy living and long life.

Uma Maheshwari Puja

For happy and peaceful married life.

Uma Maheshwari Puja is for long and happy married life. Uma (Goddesss Parvati the consort of Lord Shiva) and Lord Shiva puja is perfomed as they are considered to be the perfect match i.e. Shiv and Shakti. Lord Shiva is the Lord of mercy and compassion. He protects devotees from evil forces such as lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, bestows grace and awakens wisdom in his devotees.

Those who wish progeny, success in endeavors, worldly enjoyment and the final emancipation shall attain it by performing this puja. In this elaborate Puja Lord Vishnu as Gopala Krishna is worshiped with tulasi leaves. This Puja is a highly effective one for those having conceiving problems and desire children. People who have children perform it for the all round progress and benefit of their children.

Benefits of Uma Maheshwari Puja :
  • This Puja is considered to be best for marital happiness.
  • If there is any discord in the relationship, all are resolved.
  • This Puja is being done for the unity for the husband and wife. They led a happy married life.

Santan Gopal Puja

For child birth and progeny bliss.

Children are nature's gift for the happiness of a family. When a native is devoid of a child, the life becomes hell. The peace of mind inspite of having all comforts of life or otherwise becomes upset if there is no child or any issue out of the couple. This Puja is a boon if there are obstacles or delay in progeny and some complications/obstacles arises during pregnancy. Santan Gopalan Puja is performed for childless couple , who wish to have a child. This puja is performed on your behalf, to beget a child. Those who are expecting, shall also get this puja performed for healthy and intelligent child.

Those who wish progeny, success in endeavors, worldly enjoyment and the final emancipation shall attain it by performing this puja. In this elaborate Puja Lord Vishnu as Gopala Krishna is worshiped with tulasi leaves. This Puja is a highly effective one for those having conceiving problems and desire children. People who have children perform it for the all round progress and benefit of their children.

Benefits of Santan Gopal Puja :
  • This is one of the most prescribed Pujas for progeny.
  • After performing this Puja one will be blessed with a child, wealth, property, gain, and prosperity.

Birthday Puja

Done on the date of Birth for happy long life.

Birthday is the one of the most important day in ones life. Birthday puja is done on the date of birth and recommended for everyone for happy long life. This is done once and is for whole life. Every person shall get Birthday puja done because this not only brings prosperity but also removes the obstacles present in ones life.

Kaal Sarp Yoga Puja

For peace, prosperity and removal of obstacles.

Kaal means death. The person born under Kaal Sarp Yog passes through death like agonies throughout the life. The Kaal Sarp Yog is formed when all the planets are situated between Rahu and Ketu. The person who takes birth in this yoga suffer from various problems like child problems, loss in business, family problems, mental unrest, financial losses, progeny troubles, marital discords, problems in career and domestic unhappiness. etc. Rahu is known as snack and Ketu is its tail.

This yog is more dangerous than other malefic yoga. This yog effects a person till 47 years and some time throughout his life, its depend upon the position of Kaal Sarp Yoga. Moreover in line with the horoscope every time the Mahadasha or Antardasha of Rahu or Ketu comes then Kaal Sarp Yoga becomes more effective.

The persons karyas (Works) do not happen according to the efforts put in, often leading to negativity, and inferiority complex. It can cause one's life to be depressed. A person under the affliction of this Yoga leads a life of pain and misfortune. If it is highly afflicted this Yoga has the capacity to cancel out all the good Yoga of one's chart.

Effects of Kaal Sarp Dosh :
  • A person having a Kaal Sarp Yoga in his horoscope faces problems of instability in his life, defamation, problems in progeny, mental disturbances etc.
  • A person affected by KalSarp Yog has to struggle all through his life.
  • The person having Kaal Sarp Yoga suffers from mental unrest, hurdles in gain of wealth, barriers in having children and uninterrupted disputes in married life.
  • The person does not get full reward of his talents. Normally the success in work is delayed. Sudden loss of money or prestige is an indication of this Yoga.

The Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja reduces the ill effects of Kaal Sarp Yoga. The people having Kaal Sarp Dosh should get this Puja and as well as keep an energized Kaal Sarp Yantra in their house to protect themselves from the evil effects of this yoga.

Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Puja

To pacify ancestors and your departed forefathers.

"Vastu" is a creative, dynamic and scientific Vedic system of Architecture to design building of a tower, mansion or a house developed by the ancient sages to ensure good fortune, peace, prosperity, creativity, health, happiness and harmony for the inhabitants. When we buy a new house / shop / commercial place, a special puja known as "Vaastu Puja" has to be done to appease the "Vaastu Devta".

Vastu shastra is an ancient science which helps one get the benefits freely offered by the basic elements of the universe. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Jal (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND). Sometimes there are faults of construction to add to any innate problems with the present energy of the environment. This Puja is highly recommended when moving into a new home. It removes all evil and negativity of the home.

Benefits of Vaastu Dosh Nivaran Puja :
  • This puja bring peace & happiness in the house as well as to promote wealth & business in our shops / factory.
  • This puja once done helps you to do well in business and promotes peace in the house.

Maha Sudarshan Puja

For protection and getting rid of Black Magic.

Maha Sudarsana Puja is regarded as the best protection from all evils, dosha nivaran, troubles from enemies, black magic, evil eye, fear and persecution by evil sprits and health problems.

Sudarshan is the weapon of Lord Vishnu. According to scriptures Lord Vishnu is the protector / preserver of the Universe. He represent the aspect of the supreme reality and is the Lord of protection & maintenance. Lord Vishnu reincarnated on earth from time to time to destroy the evil in the world according to Hindu mythology.

The preserver god of the Trinity has four arms. In the first hand he holds a mace (the power of knowledge), in second hand he holds a conch shell (the symbol of the origin of existence when blown, it has the primeval sound from which all creation began). The third hand holds the Sudarshan Chakra (the discus symbolic of the Universal mind which can destroy the demons or evil sources), and the fourth hand hold lotus (the unfolding universe and also the notion of purity). His preserving, protecting powers have been manifested to the world in a variety of forms, called Avatars.

Benefits of Maha Sudarshan Puja :
  • This Puja removes all the enemies, avoid accidents and astrological flaws.
  • This Puja provides the person with victory, courage and prosperity.
  • Suffering caused by incurable diseases, sorcery or enemies are dispelled by Lord Sudarshan.
  • It stops the danger or problems, which may possibly occur in future.
  • It is performed for peace and happiness and to get rid of evil forces.

Pitra Dosh Nivaran Puja

To pacify ancestors and your departed forefathers.

When one's ancestors, and departed forefathers, have not attained moksha i.e. when the soul of our ancestors and departed forefathers does not get peace ( shanti ), to pacify them one has to get the pooja done, as the person may face problems of the evil eye, and also family issues concerning male child births.

It creates obstacles in both, our worldly lives as well as spiritual practices. In some cases, it may seem that the entire family has a dark cloud over it and various family members are undergoing problems despite all efforts to overcome them.

Types indicative / Signs to identify Pitra Dosh :
  • Children are falling sick repeatedly.
  • The couple has problem in conceiving the child, i.e. problem in getting pregnant, or there are repeated miscarriages or only a girl child is being conceived repeatedly.
  • Quarrels among family members without any reasonable reason.
  • Disruption in educational and career growth and success.
  • Inability to get married or Marital disharmony.

Saturn Sade Sati Puja

For lessen the effects of Sade Sati.

Saturn or Shani is one of the most influential planet in ones horoscope. It is supposed to be the judgement provider and gives results according to ones karmas in his / her life. However there are periods of Saturn known as Sade Sati i.e. seven and a half years (7.5 years) and if the planet Saturn is placed wrongly in ones horoscope, this period is very difficult for such people. Under such circumstances, a specific Puja known as Saturn Sade Sati Puja is performed to pacify the planet Saturn and nullify its malefic effects as far as possible so that the period passes off peacefully without giving much trouble and harm to the person.

The 'Sadesati' of Saturn, or the 'seven & a half year' period which occurs thrice in a person's life-time, & is considered most crucial. First Sade Sati comes in childhood, Second in youth and Third in old age. First "Sade-Sati" has effect on education and parents. Second "Sade-Sati" has effect on profession, finance & family. The last one affects health than anything else. Some of the results of Sade Sati are frequent failures, loss of property, money, illness, trouble in the career, worry etc...

Benefits of Saturn Sade Sati Puja :
  • Saturn Puja is very useful & beneficial puja, since it's worship strengthens benefic Saturn & increases its positive influence and pacifies malefic effects of the planet & neutralizes its negative effect.
  • Saturn Puja is recommended for those having malefic Saturn, Sade-sati or wrongly placed Saturn as per horoscope.

Maha Kali Puja

For protection from Ghosts and spirits.

The name Kali derives from the Sanskrit root word Kal meaning time. Nothing escapes from time. Kali takes away the darkness from every individual who strives in the path of perfection by performing the spiritual disciplines of purifying austerities. Worship to Her brings peace and mental satisfaction - a devotee is always helped by the cosmic power.

Maha Kali is the symbol of shakti (Strength) of Lord Shiva. Maha Kali is the consort of Lord Shiva. Thus the Maha Kali Puja is also done for getting Strength and power in mind. This is the spiritual process that may remove your any sort of fear in mind and derive success in life. It involve 125000 Mahakali Japa, Dashansha Hawan and a feast to brahmins and poor.

Benefits of Maha Kali Puja :
  • This Puja is ideal for getting rid of evils eye, Black Magic and acquiring success in their works and in their lives.
  • Maha Kaali Puja removes the fear, the effect of bad persons' evil forces or Black magic from the entire family.
  • This Puja is beneficial to diminish our ego and all negative tendencies that hinder spiritual progress and material prosperity.
  • Also for bringing peace and happiness in their family or individually, this Puja is suitable.